Saturday, September 26, 2009

pg 196 2000 version of Gibson's Neuromancer:

"Power, in Case's world, meant corporate power. the zaibatsus, the multinationals that shaped the course of human history, had transcended old barriers. viewed as organisms, they had attained a kind of immortality. you couldn't kill a zaibatsu by assassinating a dozen key executives; there were others waiting to step up the ladder, assume the vacated position, access the vast banks of corporate memory. but Tessier-Ashpool wasn't like that, and he sensed the difference in the death of its founder. T-A was an atavism, a clan. he remembered the litter of the old man's chamber, the soiled humanity of it, the ragged spines of the old audio disks in their paper sleeves. one foot bare, the other in a velvet slipper"

"wintermute and the nest. phobic visions of the hatching wasps, time-lapse machine gune of biology. but weren't the zaibatsus more like that, or the Yakuza, hives with cybernetic memory, vast single organisms, their DNA coded in silicon?"

"Case had always taken it for granted that the real bosses, the kingpins in a given industry, would be both more and less than people. he'd seen it in the men who'd crippled him in Memphis, he'd seen Wage affect the semblance of it in Night City, and it had allowed him to accept Armitage's flatness and lack of feeling. he'd always imagined it as a gradual and willing accomodation of the machine, the system, the parent organism. it was the root of street cool, too, the knowing posture that implied connection, invisible lines up to hidden levels of influence."